Bank of America and Citigroup

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As of 2.28.2010 per JPMorgan Statement


                                                              Price            Market Value          Tax Cost                 Gain/Loss


Marital Trust: 3,320 sh. of  B of A          $ 16.66           $ 55,311.20           $ 181,902.80     
                                                                                                                    54.79 a share        (-126,591.60)


Marital Trust: 5,000 sh. of Citigroup       $  3.40           $ 17,000.00            $ 252,925.00
                                                                                                                    50.585 a share      (-235,925.00)

IRA                2,922 sh. of Citigroup       $  3.40           $  9,934.80             $ 147,809.37

                                                                                                                     50.585 a share     (-137,874.57)


                                                                                                 TOTAL LOSSES:                     (-500,391.17)




Closing price of Citigroup     as of              12.31.2006     =   $ 55.70 a share

Closing price of Citigroup     as of                6.30.2007     =   $ 51.29 a share

Closing price of Bank of America   as of      6.30.2007     =   $ 48.89 a share


By 6.30.2007 most of the assets were collected from various sources. At this time the fiduciary should

have reviewed the assets and made and implement decisions concerning the retention and disposition
of assets to avoid risk taking.
We consider 7.922 shares of Citigroup and 3.320 shares of B of A a high stake and extremely risky.

Where is JPMorgans Investment Policy Statement (IPS)?